name: institut-courtois-jun24 class: title, middle ## Crystal-GFN ### Sampling crystals with desirable properties and constraints #### Overview of the method, current extensions and future plans Presenting: Alex Hernández-García (he/il/él) Mila AI4Science: Alex Hernandez-Garcia, Alexandre Duval, Alexandra Volokhova, Yoshua Bengio, Divya Sharma, Pierre Luc Carrier, Yasmine Benabed, Michał Koziarski, Victor Schmidt, Pierre-Paul De Breuck .turquoise[Rencontre des membres de l'Institut Courtois · 7 juin 2024 · Montréal] .center[
] .smaller[.footer[ Slides: [{{ name }}]({{ name }}) ]] --- ## Problem and goals .center[.bigger[We aim to develop machine learning algorithms for the .highlight1[inverse design of crystalline solids].]] -- #### Desiderata: - Candidates should have the desired properties. - Candidates should be reasonable (constraints). - Candidates should be diverse. - Efficient exploration of the vast materials space. -- #### Applications: - Catalyst design for sustainability - Solid electrolytes with high ionic conductivity - _Your application here_ --- ## Inverse design of crystals ### A domain-inspired approach .context[CDVAE and other works tackle crystal structure generation in the space of atom coordinates.] -- Instead of optimising the atom positions by learning from a small data set, we draw .highlight1[inspiration from theoretical crystallography to sample crystals in a lower-dimensional space of crystal structure parameters]. -- .highlight2[Space group]: symmetry operations of a repeating pattern in space that leave the pattern unchanged. -- - There are 17 symmetry groups in 2 dimensions (wallpaper groups). - There are 230 space groups in 3 dimensions. --- count: false ## Inverse design of crystals ### A domain-inspired approach .context[CDVAE and other works tackle crystal structure generation in the space of atom coordinates.] Instead of optimising the atom positions by learning from a small data set, we draw .highlight1[inspiration from theoretical crystallography to sample crystals in a lower-dimensional space of crystal structure parameters]. .highlight2[Lattice system]: all 230 space groups can be classified into one of the 7 lattices. .center[
] --- count: false ## Inverse design of crystals ### A domain-inspired approach .context[CDVAE and other works tackle crystal structure generation in the space of atom coordinates.] Instead of optimising the atom positions by learning from a small data set, we draw .highlight1[inspiration from theoretical crystallography to sample crystals in a lower-dimensional space of crystal structure parameters]. .highlight2[Lattice parameters]: The lattice's size and shape is characterised by 6 parameters: .highlight1[$a, b, c, \alpha, \beta, \gamma$]. .center[![:scale 25%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/unit_cell.png)] --- ## GFlowNets as the generative framework ### A one-slide summary -- #### 3 key ingredients --
1. .highlight1[Diversity] by design. -- - Given a score or reward function $R(x)$, learn to _sample objects $x$ proportionally to the reward_. -- 2. .highlight1[Compositionality] in the sample generation. -- - A meaningful decomposition of samples $x$ into multiple sub-states $s_0\rightarrow s_1 \rightarrow \dots \rightarrow x$ can yield generalisable patterns. -- 3. .highlight1[Deep learning] to learn from the generated samples. -- - A machine learning model can learn the transition function $F(s\rightarrow s')$ and generalise the patterns. -- .references[ - Bengio et al. [Flow network based generative models for non-iterative diverse candidate generation](, NeurIPS, 2021. - Jain et al. [GFlowNets for AI-Driven Scientific Discovery]( Digital Discovery, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023. ] --- ## Crystal-GFlowNet .context[Compositional generation of crystals in the space of crystallographic properties.]
.center[![:scale 100%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/crystalgfn_init.png)] --- count: false ## Crystal-GFlowNet .context[Compositional generation of crystals in the space of crystallographic properties.]
.center[![:scale 100%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/crystalgfn_sg.png)] --- count: false ## Crystal-GFlowNet .context[Compositional generation of crystals in the space of crystallographic properties.]
.center[![:scale 100%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/crystalgfn_sg_output.png)] --- count: false ## Crystal-GFlowNet .context[Compositional generation of crystals in the space of crystallographic properties.]
.center[![:scale 100%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/crystalgfn_comp.png)] --- count: false ## Crystal-GFlowNet .context[Compositional generation of crystals in the space of crystallographic properties.]
.center[![:scale 100%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/crystalgfn_comp_output.png)] --- count: false ## Crystal-GFlowNet .context[Compositional generation of crystals in the space of crystallographic properties.]
.center[![:scale 100%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/crystalgfn_lp.png)] --- count: false ## Crystal-GFlowNet .context[Compositional generation of crystals in the space of crystallographic properties.]
.center[![:scale 100%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/crystalgfn_lp_output.png)] --- count: false ## Crystal-GFlowNet .context[Compositional generation of crystals in the space of crystallographic properties.]
.center[![:scale 100%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/crystalgfn_all.png)] --- count: false ## Crystal-GFlowNet .context[Compositional generation of crystals in the space of crystallographic properties.]
.center[![:scale 100%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/crystalgfn_all.png)] .conclusion[Crystal-GFN binds multiple spaces representing crystallographic and material properties, setting intra- and inter-space hard constraints in the generation process.] --- ## GFlowNet approach ### Advantages .context[We generate materials in the lower-dimensional space of crystal structure parameters.] * Constructing materials by their crystal structure parameters allows us to introduce .highlight1[physicochemical and geometric _hard_ constraints]: -- * Charge neutrality of the composition. * Compatibility of composition and space group. * Hierarchical structure of the space group. * Compatibility of lattice parameters and lattice system. -- * .highlight1[Searching in the lower-dimensional space] of crystal structure parameters may be more efficient than in the space of atom coordinates. -- * Provided we have access to a predictive model of a material property, we can .highlight1[flexibly generate materials with desirable properties]. -- * We can .highlight1[flexibly sample materials with specific characteristics, such as composition or space group]. --- ## Results ### Formation energy .context35[The formation energy is predicted by a pre-trained ML model (MAE 0.10 eV/atom).] .center[![:scale 70%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/eform_distr_1.png)] --- count: false ## Results ### Formation energy .context35[The formation energy is predicted by a pre-trained ML model (MAE 0.10 eV/atom).] .center[![:scale 70%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/eform_distr_2.png)] --- count: false ## Results ### Formation energy .context35[The formation energy is predicted by a pre-trained ML model (MAE 0.10 eV/atom).] .center[![:scale 70%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/eform_distr_3.png)] --- count: false ## Results ### Formation energy .context35[The formation energy is predicted by a pre-trained ML model (MAE 0.10 eV/atom).] .center[![:scale 70%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/eform_distr_4.png)] --- count: false ## Results ### Formation energy .context[.highlight1[After training, Crystal-GFN samples structures with even lower formation energy [eV/atom] than the validation set.]] .center[![:scale 70%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/eform_distr_4.png)] --- ## Results ### Band gap .context35[We aimed at sampling structures with band gap close to 1.34 eV.] .center[![:scale 70%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/bg_distr_1.png)] --- count: false ## Results ### Band gap .context35[We aimed at sampling structures with band gap close to 1.34 eV.] .center[![:scale 70%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/bg_distr_2.png)] --- count: false ## Results ### Band gap .context35[We aimed at sampling structures with band gap close to 1.34 eV.] .center[![:scale 70%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/bg_distr_3.png)] --- count: false ## Results ### Band gap .context35[We aimed at sampling structures with band gap close to 1.34 eV.] .center[![:scale 70%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/bg_distr_4.png)] --- count: false ## Results ### Band gap .context[.highlight1[After training, Crystal-GFN samples structures with band gap [eV] around the target value.]] .center[![:scale 70%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/bg_distr_4.png)] --- ## Results ### Restricted sampling We restrict the sampling space at sampling time: - A: The composition is restricted to only elements Fe and O, with a maximum of 10 atoms per element. - B: We sample in the ternary space for Li-Mn-O, keeping the element count to maximum 16 atoms. - C: We restrict the space groups to only cubic lattices. - D: We restrict the range of the lattice parameters to lengths between 10 and 20 angstroms and angles between 75 and 135 degrees. --- ## Results ### Restricted sampling .center[![:scale 70%](/assets/images/slides/crystals/distributions_restricted_sampling.png)] --- name: title class: title, middle ## Summary and conclusions .center[![:scale 30%](/assets/images/slides/misc/conclusion.png)] --- ## Summary and conclusions * Instead of generating crystal structures in the space of atomic positions, we proposed to sample in a lower-dimensional space of crystallographic properties (space group, composition and lattice parameters). * This representation allowed us to introduce .highlight1[physicochemical and structural _hard_ constraints], reducing the search space and improving validity. * Crystal-GFN was trained in 30 hours in a CPU-only machine. * Our results show that we can generate .highlight1[diverse, high scoring samples with the desired constraints]. * We can flexibly select the desired material characteristics. * The .highlight1[framework can be flexibly extended] with more constraints, crystal structure descriptors (atomic positions) and other properties. .references[ * Mila AI4Science et al. [Crystal-GFN: sampling crystals with desirable properties and constraints]( AI4Mat Workshop, NeurIPS 2023 (spotlight). ] .highlight2[Open source code]: []( --- ## Acknowledgements ### Amazing co-authors and friends .left-column[ * Alexandre Duval * Alexandra Volokhova * Pierre Luc Carrier * Divya Sharma * Victor Schmidt * Pierre Paul de Breuck * Yasmine Benabed * Michał Koziarski * Yoshua Bengio ] --- name: institut-courtois-jun24 class: title, middle ![:scale 50%](/assets/images/slides/materials/crystals.png) Mila AI4Science: Alex Hernandez-Garcia, Alexandre Duval, Alexandra Volokhova, Yoshua Bengio, Divya Sharma, Pierre Luc Carrier, Yasmine Benabed, Michał Koziarski, Victor Schmidt, Pierre-Paul De Breuck []( .center[
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